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Amy Cooke

Yin Yoga For A Cold

I have been fighting off a cold for the last few days so I thought I would share with you a few poses I have found beneficial during times when I needed to crawl out of my ball and begin to open and expand my body. You may notice when you are sick you tend to curl up in a ball targeting your parasympathetic nervous system. As healing as this is, if you stay in this position for too long you may begin to stagnate, perhaps feeling tension in your lower back or chest. By doing a few yin yoga poses you can begin to add space and room for your body to heal.

It is also a good time once you are feeling up to it, to use this slowing down time to go inward and notice what is going on. For example, I realised that myself and my family are all physically healthy, eating plenty of fresh foods, drinking lots of herbal teas etc. So why did I catch this cold? As I started to journal about the last few weeks leading up to when I started to feel worn down I realised you can be physically healthy and still catch a cold as it's not just your physical body that needs to be balanced. It is just as important to be healthy energetically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Any unbalance within these 5 bodies could cause you to be susceptible to illness. Using this time to figure out where you need to invite a little more love and compassion internally may help you get back on track to living your best life!

Here are some yin yoga poses I have been doing when I have felt up to it. Please remember to listen to your body and it's sensations and don't push beyond your edge!


A special guest appearance from Ayla as she really wanted to demonstrate cat/cow for you!

Not typically a yin yoga pose but one I love to do every morning as I get out of bed. This one especially feels good when you have been curled up for hours due to not feeling well. I love the feeling of uncrumpling the spine, creating space and mobility throughout all the ligaments along your back body.

To enter this pose begin in all fours on your hands and knees. If you have sensitive knees you can always use a blanket to pad them. Aligning your wrists underneath your shoulders and your knees underneath your hips.

As you inhale drop your belly and begin to look up and as you exhale round your back bringing your chin towards your chest. Just doing a few of these moving with your breath until you feel satisfied.

Supported Child Pose

This is a beautiful pose for allowing yourself the time and space to just be. Enjoying a gentle stretch for your groin whilst releasing any tensions in your lower back. The best part: Allowing the weight of your body to sink into your bolster or pillow.

To come into this pose have a bolster or pillow close by. Begin by sitting on your knees bringing your two big toes to touch, extending your knees out only as far as what feels good for you. Gently fold forward allowing the bolster to catch your torso, chest and head. You may like to place your left ear on the bolster, then swapping onto the right ear half way through.

Hold this pose for 1-3 minutes.


This pose feels amazing when you have a cold! Here we target all the meridians that flow along the inside of the legs and by using the power of your breath you can really help to dislodge and clear any stagnant energy. Placing your forehead on a block or two is so beneficial for relieving any pressure in the sinuses, gently rocking your head side to side creating some ease to breathe.

To begin sit on the ground in a comfortable position.

You may like to sit on a blanket or towel to prop up your hips allowing yourself more space.

From here begin to extend your legs apart, just as far as what feels good for you. Don't go past your edge.

Once you have found your edge you can begin to extend your hands out in front and slowly begin to fold forward. Again listening to your body and going only as far as what feels comfortable for you.

Here begin to place a block or two under your forehead to support your neck and allowing some relief for your sinuses.

Hold this pose for 1-3 minutes.

To come out of the pose, slowly begin to rise back up by pushing into your hands.

Once you are back up, lean back slightly to release the hips and begin to bring your legs back together.

Reclined Twist

I love a juicy twist and this has to be my all time favourite! Here we are able to wring out the digestive organs just as if you were wringing out a sponge or cloth, really detoxifying and releasing any toxins that may be stored within. Also really great for restoring your nervous system whilst getting a gentle lower back stretch.

To come into lying spinal twist begin laying on your back hugging your knees towards your chest. From here slightly inch your hips over to the right and gently drop your knees towards the left. Bringing your arms into a letter T shape and placing your right ear towards your right shoulder.

Bringing your awareness to your breath and holding for 1-3 minutes.

To come out of lying spinal twist, bring your head back to centre followed by your knees, then dropping your knees to the right side and bringing your left ear towards your left shoulder, beginning to hold for 1-3 minutes on the opposite side.

Legs Up The Wall

A restorative pose, allowing the nutrients of your practice to seep in whilst receiving many benefits this pose has to offer such as alleviating headaches, opening up the chest and relieving lower back pain. You may like to have a blanket under your head if really congested and perhaps a blanket or bolster just underneath your hips for extra support.

Begin by sitting sideways against the wall with the side of your hip touching the wall. From here begin to lay down on your side then roll over onto your back whilst swinging your legs up the wall. Re-adjust your position until you feel comfortable making sure there isn’t any tension in your lower back. Once you have found comfort, take 15-20 belly breaths here, really restoring your whole nervous system.

I hope I have been able to offer you some ease during a time when you may be feeling under the weather. This blog post could also be useful to come back to if you are feeling in need of a more gentle and restorative few moments to help bring your nervous system back to neutral.

Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or if there is a particular topic/subject you would like me to write about next.

Sending loving kindness,



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