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Amy Cooke

Why I Teach Yin Yoga?

Updated: Nov 14, 2019

I am passionate about bringing the Yin style of yoga into people's lives. I feel it is the most perfect compliment to the more active (yang) lifestyle we live in, whether this is due to training, playing sport or running after the kids all day!

There are 3 principles in the Yin Yoga practice:

1) Come into the pose to an appropriate depth.

2) Resolve to remain still.

3) Hold the pose for time.

Holding the pose for time benefits us physiologically. When we hold the stress of the pose our tissues deform, reform, and become stronger, thicker and longer.

Coming to an appropriate edge benefits us energetically, by stimulating our meridian lines and sending energy to our organs. We also remind ourselves not to go past the point where we feel significant resistance in our body.

Resolving to remain still benefits us mentally and emotionally. When we can mindfully remain still throughout the intensity of our yoga practice, we begin to learn how to find that same stillness amongst the craziness of our everyday lives. Or in my case being able to find stillness when my girls are screaming and fighting!

Mindfulness is the goal when we hold Yin poses in stillness. We enter the present moment, no where else to be but right here, right now - This is life! 

I love the many benefits Yin Yoga has, for example:

  •  Increased Range Of Motion - By stressing the deep, connective tissues between the muscles and the fascia throughout the body, you can regain movement that has been lost.

  • Injury Prevention - By expanding your range of motion and working on flexibility, you could begin to prevent muscle strains.

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety - By focusing on your breath throughout your practice you begin to activate the rest and digest response which helps to rebuild and recover our health.

Overall I believe balance leads to great health, so if you do have an active lifestyle, perhaps introducing a Yin class could be beneficial for you. Remember to celebrate your body for everything it can do. Your body is amazing, strong and serves you. Take care of it!

Amy. x


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