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Amy Cooke

The Power of Affirmations

We have all heard about affirmations and how they can transform our lives. You may find yourself thinking "how can saying a short sentence change my life?" Many people can be skeptical, but once you delve deep into how affirmations really work, you will realise there is a depth to it that goes beyond thought and deep into your subconscious. To really create the results that positive affirmations can achieve, you have to really FEEL and BELIEVE that this is true when you say it. By making a clear intention as if it is already true, your subconscious mind will begin to take over and will act in accordance with that belief.

The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is one of the most powerful resources you have within you. This is the place where your emotions and creativity dwell. When you tap into this reservoir you are given so many opportunities to go forth and achieve your goals and dreams. For example, have you ever noticed those ideas that suddenly pop into your head, a sudden moment of inspiration? Here your subconscious mind can connect with your conscious mind and you are given the opportunity to say yes! To roll with what is coming to you as once you affirm that you are ready it will always make its way to you no matter how unlikely it may seem.

Once you have set your intention or affirmation allow yourself to detach from the outcome. Allowing the infinite organising power of your subconscious to take over. The best way to practice inviting in this harmony is by nurturing an attitude of gratitude. Acknowledging your gratitude for everything in your life.

There is a wonderful book called The Power of Your Subconscious Mind written by Joseph Murphy. Here he tells us: "The main point to remember is once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it. It works by association of ideas and uses every bit of knowledge that you have gathered in your lifetime to bring about its purpose. It draws on the infinite power, energy and wisdom within you. It lines up all the laws of nature to get its way. Sometimes it seems to bring about immediate solution to your difficulties, but at other times it may take days, weeks or longer...its ways are past finding out."

In order to bring about your dream or goal you need to affirm it. Surrender your ego, pride and control and allow the subconscious mind to take over. This is the power of affirmations.

"What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create."
- Gautama Buddha.

Some Benefits of Affirmations

  • Change your negative thought patterns into positive ones.

  • Influence your subconscious mind to access new beliefs.

  • Daily affirmations keep you in a constant state of gratitude.

  • They empower you as you have the power to change your beliefs.

  • Improve your overall quality of life - Studies have shown people that practice positive affirmations are happier, more optimistic and have a clearer perspective on life.

I have personally been using affirmations daily for quite a few years now and looking back I can see such a huge change in the person I am today. I have become more patient as a parent and person. I have also noticed that I have the ability to tap into gratitude whenever I begin to come out of the present moment. This has also helped me greatly whenever those thoughts of self doubt creep in. Always being able to come back into the present moment, acknowledge what I am grateful for and remind myself that I am enough.

"Whatever you hold in your mind on a constant basis is exactly what you will experience in life."
- Tony Robbins.

Affirmations can be a little hard and awkward when you first start using them. You don't have to repeat affirmations out loud if this seems really uncomfortable for you. You can try writing them down, saying them internally to yourself or even repeating them as a mantra during meditation. Whatever feels right for you is the best way! The more you repeat an affirmation, the more you will begin to FEEL and BELIEVE it is true.

I would love to offer you a FREE sample of Believe Yoga's Healing Affirmation Cards - click here. This is a little love project I have been working on recently and was inspired by how much healing was being done in my yoga classes through the use of the affirmations I used. I will be releasing the full pack of cards soon!

I hope I have been able to simply describe the power of affirmations and if you feel like this is something you would like to introduce into your life - go for it! Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or if there is a particular topic/subject you would like me to write about next.

Sending loving kindness,



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